JC A. Soriano, MSCS, MBA

Reflections on Business, Tech, Spirituality, Social Impact

God was in the Whisper

Published on August 10, 2020 1:07:00 PM
"After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper." ~ Kings 19:12
This is one of my favorite verses. Today's 3-minute retreat reminded me of a maxim I heard from the Jesuits: "God is in our deepest desires" (https://www.ignatianspirituality.com/our-deepest-desires/).
Too often I find myself, in my desire to advance my career, trying to be the earthquake, strong wind, or the fire.
Today I am reminded, God is in the silence of my mind as I wake up in the morning. In the movements of my thoughts as I take a shower and start my day. In the gentle massage of rest as I close my eyes and prepare to sleep. Not the howling winds but a gentle breeze. Not a raging blaze but a soft candlelight. Not a destructive earthquake but a tug, a nudge, towards a more loving way of life.
The 3-minute retreat's final prayer is also a challenge: "Lord, I'm listening."
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