JC Soriano


Happiness, according to Positive Psychology, is three things: pleasure, flow, and meaning. Of the three, pleasure is the weakest, most difficult to influence, temporary, vulnerable to the Hedonic treadmill, influenced by genetics. The two other forms of happiness are more important, more in our control - flow, and meaning. Flow comes from doing what we love and getting challenged by it. It is the unique feeling of time stopping, of us not noticing the events outside of us. It is being in de... Read more

Ad Astra, Per Aspera

Record-breaking week: - Tuesday, 18 hours worked - Wednesday, 13 hours worked - Thursday, 17 hours worked   One of the things I want to be remembered by, are the times when I went through hardships and kept pushing through. I think it is a greater achievement to push forward through hardships than to be handed success through a silver platter. Both will look successful. But the one who worked harder and went through more suffering will be far happier.  ... Read more

Without a Fight

There comes a time when everything is against you. When you haven't slept and you've been working for dozens of hours straight. When the cloud of a tremendous, seemingly insurmountable problem looms over you. There comes that tiny little fraction of time, when everything is at its heaviest, and the temptation to give up is the strongest. It is at this point, this tiny split second, when you are given the opportunity to choose. Stop now, and everything will be done. Rest. Sleep. Let go. Or cont... Read more

Three things I learned from the Leaders for Social Impact: Luzon Leg

The Leaders for Social Impact: Luzon leg was held on July 12-15 at the Forest Club in Laguna. According to the British Council website, it's a "bespoke Social Entrepreneurship programme developed from the Active Citizens learning journey, which is a tried and tested British Council methodology for community leadership." 29 Social entrepreneurs in various stages of their company lifecycle were brought together for four days to interact, learn, and support each other. Here's what I learned: 1... Read more

10 ways to get Motivated

1. Settle your "Why" This is the first and most important thing. Your "why" is what you will look back to and what you will get your strength from. It's not enough to know the goal, or "What" you want to achieve (e.g. becoming a Doctor), "Why" you want to achieve it (e.g. I want to save lives) is what will light the fire in you.  2. Keep a to-do list Now that you've settled your why, it's important to list down the steps to get there. Fleshing out our goals into concrete, actionable ste... Read more