JC A. Soriano, MSCS, MBA

Reflections on Business, Tech, Spirituality, Social Impact

Without a Fight

Published on September 16, 2016 3:55:00 AM

There comes a time when everything is against you. When you haven't slept and you've been working for dozens of hours straight. When the cloud of a tremendous, seemingly insurmountable problem looms over you. There comes that tiny little fraction of time, when everything is at its heaviest, and the temptation to give up is the strongest. It is at this point, this tiny split second, when you are given the opportunity to choose.

Stop now, and everything will be done. Rest. Sleep. Let go.

Or continue on. Be the fool. Grit your teeth. And keep moving.

Whatever you decide in this split second is also a decision on what kind of person you are. Whether you are 'good' or you are 'great'. Because when faced with a seemingly insurmountable problem, only people with an equally insurmountable sense of will can get past that point. And it's up to no one else but you, at that moment. When it's most difficult to continue, and it's easiest to give up. At that split second, you are given this precious chance to decide who you are. And if you continue moving. Whatever happens. You've already come out better. Whatever that problem is. You are already qualified for greatness. No matter how big that problem is. You've already decided.

You will not go down. Without a fight.

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