JC Soriano

How is Masters so far

Many have asked me why I attended graduate school, why I applied for MS CS. For one, entrenching yourself in the academe runs the risk of distancing yourself from the industry. There is a probability that things can become too theoretical, too “high,” that the skills you will learn might not even be useful in the industry. Another thing, I’m an MIS person playing in the field of CS. One may argue the gap is not so far, but as I spend more time in CS the difference between the two courses g... Read more


It numbs.It c-ripples… I crumble... Read more

The Mockery

His body was a product of the public scourging. Blood and gashes were all over him. Two roman soldiers were laughing aloud on the other side of the hallway. They were coming to him holding thorns arranged in a circle. They looked at him mischievously. “So you are the king of the jews!” a soldier exclaimed dramatically, as the other one laughed loudly. “Here your majesty, you forgot your crown,” and the soldier fitted the thorns around his head. It stung him painfully, as each thorn was s... Read more


In the notorious streets of Kalentong, where stories of hold-ups abound left and right, the Bosconian fears not to walk the street alone. Not because he is toughened by the Technical education of Mechanics and Electronics, nor because he is forced to stand under the sun an hour every morning with militaristic disciplinarians watching them. Not because the every day experience of raging high school boys have toughened him enough not to be scared of hold-ups. It is because the bosconian carries a ... Read more

Building the Kingdom of God here on Earth

A world with no hate, no hurt, no jealousy, no indifference, no greed, no frustration, no betrayal, only indescribable happiness, only unconditional forgiveness, only deep, deep peace. It’s the Kingdom of God, and it’s yours right here, right now - you don’t even have to die to experience paradise. The ticket to heaven on Earth is one simple commandment - love your neighbor.... Read more