In the notorious streets of Kalentong, where stories of hold-ups abound left and right, the Bosconian fears not to walk the street alone. Not because he is toughened by the Technical education of Mechanics and Electronics, nor because he is forced to stand under the sun an hour every morning with militaristic disciplinarians watching them. Not because the every day experience of raging high school boys have toughened him enough not to be scared of hold-ups. It is because the bosconian carries a piece of self-defense in his pocket wherever he goes.
Worse comes to worst, he will give the thief what he wants, but he will give more - that piece of self-defense he stores in his pocket, even for times like this. The hold-upper will ask for his cellphone and bag, and maybe he will give it for the sake of his life.
But for the sake of the hold-upper, he will also give his rosary.
Mary Help of Christians,
Pray for us